Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Worldwide Telecommunications - 1024 Words

ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY: WORLDWIDE TELECOMMUNICATIONS Annotated Bibliography for Cultural Changes Inside Worldwide Telecommunications Pawny Abbasy, Jason Blanchard, Angela Zelandi University of Phoenix Essentials of College Writing Instructor: David Soyka Carte, Penny and Fox, Chris, (2004), Bridging the Culture Gap: A Practical Guide to International Business Communication, Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data, Retrieved November 17, 2006 from: Carte and Fox bring about many issues that come to surface while working with people of all different races and backgrounds. Although teaching you to†¦show more content†¦The companies want to use the same pay structure across borders regardless of local practices. A new study that was done by Mercer Human Resource Consulting shows that between the U.S.-based multinational companies, 63% use the same long-term incentive vehicles. In addition, 59% of them use the same grant values across all worldwide locations. Multinational based companies in Canada and Europe are even more likely to apply the same vehicles and values across all geographies. Heffernan, Margaret, (2006), The Sound of Three Hands Clapping, Mansueto Ventures LLC, Retrieved November 16, 2006 from: /talent/heffernan/071305.html Heffernan discussed the new challenges faced by businesses when a multicultural environment is introduced. She emphasizes the fact that the traditional classroom teachings just doesn t cut it, it takes experience. A company with trained and experienced leadership can operate beyond the barriers that may develop within a multicultural environment. Properly prepared management can guide everyone towards a common, collective purpose. The techniques taught by a company named Three Hands, helps these types of companies leave those obstacles by the way side and strive towards aShow MoreRelated Worldwide Telecommunication, Inc. 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